November 29, 2014

My children, darkness is indeed coming and great darkness will cover the people, but you are children of the light, therefore this should not come as a surprise to you. It is ever important that you spend time with Me and seek my face as time is short. My people have forsaken my ways and have been lured from me by making this world their kingdom. Have I not said, “Store up riches in Heaven where moth and rust do not corrupt”? The coming days are going to cause a separation of people in my body of those who desire to follow after me with their whole heart and those who desire the things of the world.

There is no time for compromise now that time is gone. Seek my face with your whole heart for I know the plans that I have for you, plans for you to bless you and give you hope in your latter end. Many quote this verse without quoting the remaining verses, then shall you call upon me, and you shall go and pray unto me, and I will hearken unto you.  And you shall seek me, and find me, when you shall search for me with all your heart.”

My light shines brighter in the darkness. As the darkness descends, my light will shine though those that are called by My name and who seek My face. Yet a little while and I will come quickly and my reward is with Me for those who I have formed a bond and with whom I have an intimate relationship. Now is the time of separation and dedication, have I not said that “The works that I do you shall do, and greater works shall you do”, Enter into the “Greater Works” my children, look at what I have done and what I am calling you to. Throw off your limited view of who and what you are and ask me to see yourself as I see you. You are more than conquerors through me. As I, as your Messiah am, so are you in this world. Get a vision of the greatness and of the glory that I will pour through you in this and the coming days. You are My beloved and I am yours, and I seek those who will dedicate themselves to me in this time. Now is the time of choosing, now is the time of election and of the pouring out of My Spirit.

I pray for each ministry and person that seeks His will in their life in this day. May our Lord richly bless you and keep you.