A WORD FROM THE LORD: We Are Entering A Time of Convergence (March 2018)

We are entering a time of convergence of signs. There is a company of people who have been hidden in the Lord for a season. These are thousands of people as a “many membered body.”

This company is going to come forth and stand in Pharaoh’s court and challenge the powers of Egypt. The Father is finally going to have the church of his dreams. Instead of what we’ve done to make the Institutional Church all things to all people instead of God’s things to His people. This people has been prepared by severe tastings and trials, and they feel like they’re never going to be used, and it’s too late. They’ve been like John the Baptist in the wilderness. They had to learn how to glean from the word of God and they’ve just been getting platitudes from practicing pastors. These people have been weaned away from everything that is contrary to the powerful truth of the word of God. They are coming out of hiding and they’re going to move into and manifest the of the power of Almighty God.

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